Guests and Programming

2024 Guests!

Taycosplayy began cosplaying in 2018 from a love of pop culture and costuming, a love which only grew exponentially once she began attending conventions. Conventions introduced her to a world of costumes and other cosplayers, whose skill she aspired to match through her own creations. Although the learning curve was steep, Tay’s skills improved tremendously in her first year, getting her noticed by area conventions, which led to guest spots at comic and anime conventions.

Since then, she has competed in contests around the southern United States, placing or winning several.

After attending a local con, 13.Katz dived headfirst into the cosplay scene. What started as modifying a few bought cosplays evolved into an enriching hobby of crafting bizarre cosplays, such as a yarn wig helmet and a twinkling, walking Soot Sprite. In addition to cosplay, 13.Katz can be found with her dice hoard at tabletop role-playing games, such as Monster of the Week and Dungeons & Dragons, as both a player and game master with over 5 years of experience. As a player, her characters have ranged from high level dual class monstrosities to silly little slimes with a +0 intelligence. As a DM, her specialty lies in writing home-brews filled with rich lore, quirky foes, and hilarious mishaps.
Craig A. Price Jr. is a USA Today bestselling author of Claymore of Calthoria Trilogy, Dragon's Call Trilogy, Dragonia Empire Series, Space Gh0st Adventures Series, and several other titles available in alternate realities. He loves to read, write, cast spells, and spend time with his beautiful wife and three children. He dreams to one day become a full-time wizard, but until then, he'll settle for being an author. With more than a dozen novels under his belt now, it's only a matter of time before he settles for world domination, but until then, you can follow his author journey as he takes over one reader's soul at a time.Craig lives on the Alabama Gulf Coast, among the ravenous mosquitos, humidity, and deadly predators. If you spot him in the wild, he can be dangerous, but will often be tamed by a Mountain Dew and Reese's.
Rika is a pop culture-centered artist who loves connecting with fellow nerds through her designs, bringing fresh, fun styles and perspectives to their shared interests. She has brought her unique artistic flair to numerous projects, ranging from an award-winning horror themed pinball machine to Azalea City Con's own newly-hatched dragon, Lumia.Rika can usually be found with her imagination ablaze, even when not creating art. She's happiest while playing D&D, watching nerdy movies and shows, playing with her cats, and escaping to Disney World whenever possible.You can find Rika's art online at and on Instagram at @petalwing_studio
Geek Out Studio has been an award winning cosplayer for the past ten years; making numerous appearances at cons throughout the Southeast. They have come to be known for their armored costumes, detailed prop work, and high level of craftsmanship.
They are a positive and heavily involved member of the cosplay community both locally and regionally. Always looking to help and lift up those that are interested in expanding their cosplay skills. They have presented numerous panels and workshops on various costuming topics from posing for photos to armor and prop construction. If you love to make nerdy things then come geek out over it with Geek Out Studio.

2024 Schedule